5 Key Considerations Necessary For Addressing Employee Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
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As health is a multifaceted problem, sustainable and prosperous workplace wellness programs are systemic thorough, systematic, and extensive in their strategy. You’re looking for a sustainable and sustainable program, right?

Examination 1: Knowing how health is a complicated problem is essential. The health of our body is affected by a myriad of social, personal, environmental, and economic factors. The factors that determine health can be classified into a variety of broad categories: Dr jay Feldman

dr jay Feldman
  • Economics
  • Policymaking
  • Social influences
  • Health services
  • Individual behavior
  • Genetics and Biology

There is no evidence that any particular intervention will have a significant impact. A sustained, systemic series of actions and initiatives are required to tackle the health issues. A review of wellness studies carried out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered that wellness programs with a comprehensive approach- which accounts for only around 7 percent of the corporate wellness programs available at the time-helped to improve employees’ health and also save employers money. When interventions and initiatives are proven cost-effective, their use may outweigh the cost of implementing them.

Consideration 2: For worksite wellness programs to be effective and create a positive impact on the way they work, they must be result-oriented, data-driven, and constantly assessed. The reason for the program, or “The big why” of the wellness program, must be clearly stated and comprehended. The program’s purpose or “Why” is the driving force behind the rest of the program. The goals and objectives of the program should be based on gaps and needs identified through an extensive, organization-wide needs assessment. Monitoring, tracking, and evaluation must be routine in the wellness program. They should result in increased quality of the program and constant improvement. Dr jay Feldman

Consideration 3: Historically, education and personal responsibility were considered the most crucial components of any workplace wellness program. We’ve learned that they’re not enough by themselves. It is now acknowledged and accepted that adjustments to the workplace and the climate are necessary to facilitate the change initiated by an individual. Dr jay Feldman

Review #4: We also realize that not a single employer-sponsored program can effectively address employee wellness and wellness – not wellness, certainly not safe, and certainly not EAPs or work-life issues. It is necessary to collaborate and coordinate throughout the programs to maximize impact. Research has proven that successful programs that make an impact – are systemic, consistent, and extensive in their method of operation. It requires participation and, most importantly, participation at all levels of an organization. Dr jay Feldman

5th Consideration: Implementing a complete worksite wellness program isn’t simple. It requires employers to understand their employees and where they’re at on their personal wellness and health journey. The following are my view of what is essential:

1. Interventions and initiatives are required to encompass all aspects of well-being or wellness beyond physical health.


2. If incentives are employed, it is essential to align them to the company’s values and be developed so that they can clearly fulfill their intended goals.

3. Since various initiatives and interventions can be effective for different groups of employees, There shouldn’t be excessive focus on prioritizing one industry or intervention over the other.

4. As we continue to study the best practices and the extent, the programs should continue to incorporate research-based practices, top practices, and future (trial and trial) techniques when they are suitable and the risks are minimal.

Creating a sustainable, successful worksite wellness program isn’t simple, but it’s worth it for both the employer and employees. Dr jay Feldman

dr jay Feldman

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It’s Possible To Do This

Dr jay Feldman: Both sustainability and success are feasible. I encourage you to allow me to assist you in creating your own profitable, efficient and sustainable program. I specialize in coaching work coordinators and creating Done With You worksite employee wellness and health programs.

kavya Sharma

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