Top 5 Industries That Still Use Printed Business Cards

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All individuals who step into the business or professional world need a visiting card. It helps in developing a brand image towards people. It is small in size but still manages to make a great impact. Most people think that we live in the digital era and the need to make business cards is declining. However, there still exist people who believe in traditional methods of marketing.

You can visit to get your business card printed in many varieties. The business card is a singular piece of cardboard that consists of the logo of your business and your introduction. The real challenge is identifying the elements you want to include in your personal business cards.

Top 5 Industries Who Demand Business Cards:

Let’s talk about what kind of industries believe in acquiring business cards. The top 5 businesses that still value professional cards are:

Bankers / Brokers:

It would help if you made a great first impression when handling other people’s money. People heavily rely on non-verbal cues and first impressions, and they will become cautious if they sense something is amiss about someone who would be handling their cash or making investments.

The first two steps in the correct path for any professional in the financial services industry are to provide a professional-looking business card and to present a tidy appearance in a business suit.


We often take bloggers for granted. Since they mostly work online, we do not understand the idea of business cards. However, bloggers often work alone. Since they work alone, they do not need such measures.

On the contrary, they have other guest contributors involved at most times. Therefore, you must have business cards on hand to reach a larger audience, such as sponsors and advertisers.

Graphic Designers / Programmers:

If they wish to succeed, people in this industry must demonstrate their talent and expertise. First impressions matter a lot. No matter how extensive and diverse your portfolio is, you will have missed the opportunity to make a good impression if you do not have a set of excellent business cards when you meet with a potential employer or customer.


Like any finance-related service, real estate also needs high trust and confidence. You cannot ignore the key factors that develop trust for people in businesses. Hence, to achieve success in interacting with realtors, you need a business card on your end.

Most real estate owners use business cards as a source to express trust and confidence. Therefore, keep in mind that business cards will be a great tool to crack deals while working in this niche.


According to a proverb, everyone has, at some point in their lives, wished they were an artist. You must distinguish yourself from the crowd, establish a recognisable public persona, and make a lasting, favourable impression wherever you go if you want to succeed in the fiercely competitive and demanding entertainment industry.

It would help if you introduced yourself with a unique-looking business card that says something about you, whether you are attending a casting or meeting with a producer to negotiate a contract.


We need to understand that there is a bridge between the physical and digital worlds. It is not possible to completely isolate either one of the business nature. Hence, some business platforms still cannot solely run digitally.

This is where business cards for photographers and their use becomes essential. Are you newly developing a business and do not know how to get your business card printed? is the best website to get this job done!

The need for tangibility improves a customer’s experience in a way many internet advertisements cannot. With the right printing, you may successfully assist your customer in expanding their business if you understand their target market!