How a Unified Security Platform Protects Sensitive Information

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Most businesses install security to protect their facility, assets, and personnel. But, in today’s digital age, protecting information is also critical. Cyberattacks, fraud, and data breaches are increasing as more people use technology. Poor data security could lead to lost or stolen vital information. A violation can also result in poor customer experience and harm a company’s reputation. With that in mind, many businesses now choose unified security solutions that allow them to protect information and physical security.

Why Not Update Legacy Security Systems?

Millions of companies have invested in conventional or legacy systems that may not serve today’s security needs. For example:

  • A legacy system may not protect individuals’ identities if the police or a customer request video footage.
  • Failing to secure a single video camera could result in a severe information breach.
  • Staff must spend hours updating various firmware and software against cyber-attacks each month.
  • Restricting data and maintaining strong password policies with legacy security systems is difficult.
  • Companies using legacy systems may not be able to adopt the most current cybersecurity features or encryption methods.

Privacy By Design Can Be Built into Security Systems

Privacy by design is a systems engineering approach developed by Ann Cavoukian. It calls for privacy to be accounted for throughout the engineering process. It’s an example of a value-sensitive design that considers human values.

When companies invest in a unified security platform, they invest in technology designed from the ground up with privacy in mind. That can make all the difference in their exposure to information leaks. When systems are designed around privacy by design, customers amplify data protection measures via multiple layers. These include video anonymization, cyber defenses, and archive retention automation.

A Unified System Increases Efficiency

Unified security systems allow clients to control an entire system from a single platform. They control all data from one interface. There’s no need to work with various solutions to track the security system’s status and health.

The platform includes security scores that ensure users reach maximum system resilience. Tools included in a unified system alert companies to possible vulnerabilities and make it simple to streamline processes. Some features help restrict system access and user privileges.

One of the most crucial benefits of a unified system is flexibility. The built-in flexibility allows businesses to alter protection methods to strengthen system confidentiality and integrity and remain compliant. It ensures organizations are aware of constantly changing privacy laws.

Unified Security Bridges a Critical Gap

Today’s businesses face the challenge of protecting data privacy and sensitive data, which are two different problems a unified system can solve. Data privacy is concerned with protecting personal data. Data security emphasizes safeguarding sensitive information from bad actors or unauthorized access.

The single view provided by a unified system allows for minimizing potential data privacy risks and keeping up with changing regulations. A unified platform makes it easier to classify sensitive data. Better visualization helps facilitate risk analysis and risk scores.

Today, it is just as critical for companies to protect information as it is to secure physical assets and personnel. A unified security platform can help organizations accomplish this goal. Designed around the privacy-by-design concept, the efficient design provides a single view that allows businesses to monitor all security systems.

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